This is a list about all HTML 4.0 and CSS Tags and additional known browser specific tags*
= Supported |
=Partly supported |
= Not supported (yet) |
=Support not necessary |
= In Progress |
= Implemented in v2.0 |
This list will be updated periodically during development, so you can see now what will be
supported by future versions
Interpreted Stylesheet parameters
:after |
:alink |
:before |
:first-letter |
:first-line |
:footer (@page) |
:header (@page) |
:left (@page) |
:link |
:right (@page) |
:visited |
@font-face |
@import |
@media |
@page |
ascent (@font-face) |
azimuth |
background |
background-attachment |
background-color |
background-image |
background-position |
background-repeat |
baseline (@font-face) |
border |
border-color |
border-style : none,dotted,dashed,solid,double,groove,ridge,inset,outset |
border-width |
border-botttom |
border-botttom-color |
border-bottom-style : none,dotted,dashed,solid,double,groove,ridge,inset,outset |
border-botttom-width |
border-left |
border-left-color |
border-left-style : none,dotted,dashed,solid,double,groove,ridge,inset,outset |
border-left-width |
border-right |
border-right-color |
border-right-style : none,dotted,dashed,solid,double,groove,ridge,inset,outset |
border-right-width |
border-top |
border-top-color |
border-top-style : none,dotted,dashed,solid,double,groove,ridge,inset,outset |
border-top-width |
bottom |
cap-height (@font-face) |
caption-side |
centerline (@font-face) |
clear |
clip |
color |
column-span |
content (@page) |
cue |
cue after |
cue before |
cursor |
definition-src:url() (@font-face) |
descent (@font-face) |
direction |
display |
evelation |
filter:Alpha() |
filter:Blur() |
filter:Chroma() |
filter:DropShadow() |
filter:FlipH() |
filter:FlipV() |
filter:Glow() |
filter:Gray() |
filter:Invert() |
filter:Mask() |
filter:Shadow() |
filter:Wave() |
filter:XRay() |
float |
font |
font-family |
font-size |
font-style |
font-variant |
font-weight |
height |
layout-grid |
layout-grid-char-spacing |
layout-grid-line |
layout-grid-mode |
layout-grid-type |
left |
letter-spacing |
line-height |
list-style |
list-style-image |
list-style-position |
list-style-type |
margin |
margin-left |
margin-right |
margin-top |
margin-bottom |
marks (@page) |
mathline (@font-face) |
max-height |
max-width |
min-height |
min-width |
orphans |
overflow |
overflow-x |
overflow-y |
padding |
padding-left |
padding-right |
padding-top |
padding-bottom |
page-break-after |
page-break-before |
panose-1 (@font-face) |
pause |
pause after |
pause before |
play during |
pitch |
pitch-range |
position: relative, absolute, static, fixed |
richness |
right |
row-span |
ruby-align |
ruby-overhang |
ruby-position |
running-head |
scrollbar-3dlight-color:gold |
scrollbar-arrow-color:yellow |
scrollbar-base-color:tomato |
scrollbar-darkshadow-color:orange |
scrollbar-face-color:teal |
scrollbar-highlight-color:hotpink; |
scrollbar-shadow-color:magenta} |
size (@page) |
slope (@font-face) |
speak |
speak-header-cell |
speak-date |
speak-numeral |
speak-punctuation |
speak-time |
speech-rate |
src:url() (@font-face) |
stemh (@font-face) |
stemv (@font-face) |
stress |
text-align |
text-decoration |
text-indent |
text-shadow |
text-transformation |
top |
topline (@font-face) |
unicode-range (@font-face) |
units-per-em (@font-face) |
vertical-align |
visibility |
voice-family |
volume |
white-space |
widow |
width |
word-spacing |
x-height (@font-face) |
z-index |
- Based on:
- HTML3.2 (W3C)
- HTML4.0 (W3C)
- CSS1 (W3C)
- CSS2(W3C)
- List by specification not by compability