Here you find some interesting links in the Internet for ATARI-Users. The list contains references
to interesting software and hardware web sites.
[Software for Draconis] [Software] [Hardware] [Companies] [Web Sites]
Software for DRACONIS
GEM E-Mail Client for Draconis, MiNT+MiNTnet, STiK or STinG
Features: Pop3, SMTP und NNTP; Adressbuck; Offline-Funktionen; Cc/Bcc; MIME; Base64 & Uencode/Decode; user
defined mail boxes; user defined filter. |
Chatter - a IRC client for DRACONIS
Features: Window dialogues, Cut&Paste, Drag&Drop, Font protocol, BubbleGEM support and ST-Guide Online-Help;
several simultaneous IRC servers; Hotlist; DCC protocol |
Teli - a Telnet client for DRACONIS
Features: Terminal in windows, Window dialogues, Cut&Paste, Drag&Drop, Font protocol, BubbleGEM support
and ST-Guide Online help; Hotlist; Emulations NVT, VT52 and almost complete VT100. |
Driver etc.
iFusion for DRACONIS
With iFusion it is now possible to use applications which are developed for STiK/STinG with DRACONIS. |
System software
SpareMiNT project
FreeMiNT distribution based on RPM - the Redhat Package Manager. This makes installatiomn of the FreeMiNT packages
much easier. |
The first demo from the Gen&Wax group (Falcon).
The demo includes some DSP, rotative bitmap, 60 frames per second 3D and direct to disk feature all way long, in
addition of the real-time picture depacking. |
The Visual Assembler is an object oriented programming environment.
Interesting development tool for demo coder, system programmers or anyone who likes the M680xx assembler. |
MultiPlayer Game (STF/STE, Falcon)
A game was inspired from Dungeon Master & Chaos Strikes Back. Multiple player can player either on the
same screen, or by using a serial/Midi network. |
Europe Shareware
Europe Shareware is an organization translating, distributing and promoting shareware. |
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