Draconis is now under GPL
Since now Draconis will be under the GPL License and is availabe throught the Sourceforge web pages. You'll find details at
The sources and necessary information will be prepared during the next days. |
Adamas 1.8 Pre-Release 26
This Pre-Release
is a Release-Candidate of the final version 1.8. (See
list of changes
for details). Here are some screen
captures done during testing. For installation
you need an installed version 1.7, because the 1.8 files
are only replacements or extensions to it. (68000
- (68030 )
MintNet Gateway 0.33b4
Exception-Handling (Correction for Adamas
New Marathon & FTP Release
today there is a new release of Marathon
2.0 Pl:8 and DRACONIS-FTP
2.0 Pl:1 available for download. Mainly it
fixes the problem that DRACDLG.SLB was not correctly
unloaded with MiNT/MagiC. There is an installation package
and a ZIP file for a manual installation available.
(Marathon:  )
(FTP:  )
Draconis Driver for MagicPC v0.1ß
The first driver version for Draconis Programs
running with MagicPC is now available. This offers a
direct internet connection over the TCP/IP of Windows,
which enables access over Ethernet, DSL and connections
via Analog or ISDN modem (cards) also under MagicPC.

Marathon 2.0 Pl: 7
Memory management
updated (
MiNTNet functions
for Draconis
In the latest driver packet
there is now a first version of the MiNTNet- Compatibility-
Layer included. This layer provides MiNTNet compatible
GEMDOS functions, this allows programs linked with the
MintNet-Library to access the Draconis-Stack.
Draconis is
now freeware
Since now all of the Draconis
Programs are available for free. The different programs
are available at the download page.
The development will be continued! In the past each
update contained a collection of bug fixes to simplify
the support. In the future updates will be available
in shorter times, because version steps are no longer
support orientated.
Influence further
now all known bugs and recommendation are collected
here for the public.
By giving your personal votes to Enhancements
and Bugs you can influence the order in
which the changes are made