Detailed List of changes -Version 1.7
In the following you find a list with all the changes done for version 1.7.
Common changes
- New tool DICON.PRG to create your own skins for the programs "MARATHON -
Mail" and "The Light of Adamas"
The Light of Adamas
- Extended format information tables.
- BubbleGEM support
- Live scrolling
- New options "Extended format", "Livescrolling", "BubbleGEM"
- New cache management
- Reload of single picture by a popup menu entry.
- Reload of single frames by a popup menu entry.
- Reload of single frames + content by a popup menu entry.
- Detection of the Meta tag for character set selection.
- Possibility to turn of the water mark effect.
- Pictures are now loaded directly after dithering. (Ommits one filescan per picture).
- New Cache option, which allows to store only files loaded from the net.
- No blocking Host-/Proxy connection establishment.
- New switch for "Offline-Mode", this allows a reactivation of the automatic dial process.
- Support for button collections (skins).
- #149 is now mapped to a bullet.
- Percentage display replaced by a slider.
- "Open link in a new window" added.
- Background can now be saved seperatly.
- Direct Initiation of a binary Download/Save by the context ment on a link.
- SAVASYS.TOS to save the system palette for 16/256 colours added. (Saves without any question!).
- Support of SHIFT + Left/Right in Dialog entry fields.
- Support of the PC-Keyboards keys (PageUp/Down, Home, End) on emulators/Milan/Hades.
- It is now possible to switch each frame seperatly into the ANSI mode.
- Headline fonts..
- Speed increasement, if the complete content of a table cell is not visible.
- New Cache-Viewer.
- ANSI-Character set can now be set by the popup for each frame seperatly. The menu entry in then main menu toggles
the situation for all of the frames.
- Detects now ISO-xxx and Windows character sets by the META-Tag "charset".
- € is now mapped onto ATARI-ASCII "0xEE". (Looks close to the Euro sign).
- Support of œ
- DHST protocol support. (Pl:1)
- Iconify of the web windows. (Pl:1)
- No control of mouse/keyboard actions if the window is iconified. (Pl:1)
- No animation of images and scroll text if the window is iconified. (Pl:1)
- Form elements are now using set fonts. (Pl:1)
- Now it will be tried to set standard fonts, if the is a new installation (no ADAMAS.CFG) is done (Times New
Roman, Courier New, Arial). (Pl:1)
- Clipboard support in the link popup. (Pl:2)
Improvements of existent functionalities
- Optimized formatting routines
- Reduced redraws.
- Optimized used link managment.
- Optimized image management.
- Font slider in font selection limited to a minimum size.
- Slider timing improved in font selection.
- Font selection is now displayed in alphabetical order.
- Fixed problems that an overlay hasn't found the passed file, if the CACHE directory was different to the browser
- Hotlist is now saved immediately..
- Change of cache data implies option save.
- Cookies are no longer influence the table of used links.
- Also unused entry are now removed after some time from the cache.
- Handling of Droplist sliders improved.
- Anchor destinations are now positioned to the top of the page (IE, Netscape compatible)
- No more overlapps by the status text in the info line (Text will be clipped, if necessary).
- Calculation of the expire date could be calculate with a difference of 30 days.
- Fixed path problems in the cookies sections if the working directory was different.
- Problem fixed that links are pointing to wrong locations, if a link was closed correctly in a page.
- When saving the default page of a web site, now the name "Index.htm(l)" is assumed automatically..
- Change to a pixel wise horizontal scrolling, this made several time consuming operations unnecessary.
- Optimized NearestColour calculation for HTML colours.
- "Frameborder=#" is now used correctly inside <FRAME>.
- Extended font selection.
- <SMALL>/<BIG> increases/decreases the font size one by one.
- New table rules added:
aaaaa will be ignored
</TR> forces line break.
- Fonts are now search by the following strategy.
- If a font name equals complety, it will be used.
- The first font that starts with the font name will be used. (i.e. "Arial" is request, but there is
only "Arial New". "Arial New" will be used)
- Actual font size scheme is now saved also in the format informations.
- Textmovement when selecting a button is now +1,+1
- New colour selection (J.Fornallaz)
- If no font can be founded for a font tag, the default font for the current text will be used (Fix, Proportional,
- Correct indention in lists, if a proportional font is active
- Correct indention in numbered lists with fix fonts
- Cookie-Manager/Cache-Viewer are now executed parallel in MultiTasking systems
- Optimizations in GIF-Dithering.
- Correction in the font management for tables.
- Special characters are now also recognized in URLs.
- List marker are no longer underlined, if it is followed directly by a link.
- Escape coded HTML URLs are now handled correctly.
- Overlapping ALIGN=LEFT/RIGHT section are now formatted correctly.
- Different additional ANSI character added to the mapping table. (Some are not really identical, because there
is no corresponding character in the ATARI, but they are closer to the real character than the previous).
- Increased the display speed of pages with exzessive <FONT FACE> tags and several installed GDOS fonts.
- Correct setting of the origin URL in the info dialog. (Pl:1)
- URL encoding will be decoded correctly for local files. (Pl:1)
- Improved assign of table cell width, if the maximum table width is smaller than the screen width. (Pl:1)
- Corrected calculation of link positions. (Pl:1)
- Are there objects inside a link, a click on this object is now considered before the link. (Pl:1)
- Fixed some problems with RIGHT/LEFT aligned objects in tables. (Pl:1)
- No accidently increase of the table cell width, if there is no explicit table width. (Pl:1)
- Cookies are now saved, when calling the cookie manager, to have an actual view. (Pl:1)
- Fixed some probleme with file access, when trying to dither images during download. (Pl:1)
- Synchronization problem when loading even downloaded images from the cache, if they are used in several frames.
- Corrected listen to <NOBR> inside table cells. (Pl:1)
- Unnecessary variables removed from a cache function. (Programm size improvement) (Pl:1)
- Now a page is loaded automatically, after establishing an internet connection. (Pl:1)
- Fixed some problems with RIGHT/LEFT aligned objects and extended format memory. (Pl:1)
- Several corrections when redrawing the info text and the Stop button. (Pl:1)
- Better ROWSPAN calculation (Pl:2)
- Speed optimizations in table calculation (Images/Links). (Pl:2)
- Correction in jumps to a link inside a table. (Pl:2)
- Speed up of the output functions. (Pl:2)
- No space any longer between images and text. (Pl:2)
- Improved popup calls. (MagiC) (Pl:2)
- Format informations reduced from 70 to 64 byte (Multiplications!!!!). (Pl:2)
- Improved cookie management. (Pl:2)
- Frameset attribute are now passed to their sub framesets. (i.e. (Pl:3)
Bug corrections
- Wrong paragraph movement when scrolling line by line fixed.
- Fixed a bug in clipping text.
- Fixed some problems when saving complete frame pages.
- Increasing memory usage during several redraws fixed.
- Overflow problem, when calculating with 0x7FFFFFFF (Unlimited length + i.e. table height) fixed.
- Fixed a calculation error, which was resulting in a moved representation of non-fixed background images. (Depending
on the image size)
- Fixed a problem, that the forward button was not disabled correctly disabled at the end of the history list.
- Fixed a bug, which results in wrong image borders at the right side of an image on graphic cards.
- Correct center of <CAPTION> in tables.
- Fixed a problem with the memory allocation in the image cache, if the URL was changed meanwhile by JavaScript.
- Remove some pixels that are left on the screen during scrolling with the horizontal slider.
- List types alphabetic/roman are now working again.
- Fixed a bug when formatting a talbe with percentage width parameter, that results in negativ table cell widths.
- Fixed another bug, calculating table cell width with a lot of floating text.
- Fixed a problem in the calculation of the horizontal slider.
- "Map links" maps now a link to the origin domain, if a page is saved, so all links of the saved page
are pointing to the correct web page in the internet.
- Spacing problem with images fixed.
- Fixed a font width calculation bug in text that is started with an .
- Img_align=Top is now working again.
- High tables cells are sometimes not rendered completly
- Correction with RIGHT/LEFT aligned tables/Images
- If the proxy name couldn't be resolved, it resulted in repeating error messages
- Fixed a buffer error with greyscaled JPEGs.
- Fixed a problem, that a images was downloaded but it wasn't dithered.
- Fixed a problem, that an dithered image was lost, after selecting a link
- Fixed some problems with the escape encoding of german umlaute.
- Frames: OnLoad will be executed now in the correct moment..
- Fixed a problem, that it was tried to execute JavaScript code on an already left page. (OnMouseOut)
- Script code in FRAMESET page is now executed, too.
- Preselected check boxes are now deselectable. (Pl:1)
- HTML-Help is now called with a correct URL for local files. (Pl:1)
- Large URLs are now displayed correctly in the frame information. (Pl:1)
- 'Referer' is now set correctly in automatic redirections. (Pl:1)
- 'Referer' memory will be now freed correctly. (Pl:1)
- Unnecessary Close on a already closed file removed. (Pl:1)
- Not freed memory when sending cookies, is now cleared correctly. (Pl:1)
- Seek error in "JPEG during download" fixed. (Pl:1)
- Possibility of crashes in pages with java applets fixed, if these are outside the visible area. (Pl:1)
- Wrong freed memory fixed, which happens, if several images was using the same source. (Pl:1)
- Correction when dithering animated GIFs, if there are mixed transparent and non-transparent parts. (Pl:1)
- Assignment error when detecting the base URL in ftp server adresses, without a set subdirectory. (Pl:1)
- Download window is now closed correctly after a download. (It was not closed due to a security check for iconified
windows) (Pl:1)
- SPANNED cells are no longer overlapping each other, if there are 0 pixel cells between them. (Pl:2)
- Cacheclose-Marker on program exit corrected. (Pl:2)
- Fixed problems with right aligned Images/Spacern/Tables inside another table. (Pl:2)
- Corrected use (positioning) of link in table cells. (Pl:2)
- Fixed a bug in the coordinates when copying an icon. (Pl:2)
- Possible overlaps of table cell contents fixed, if the "extended format memory" was activated. (Pl:2)
- Weblogo will be now moved correctly when resizing the window. (Pl:2)
- Table cells, which are outside the visible area, are now formatted correctly. (Pl:2)
- Fixed the creation of badly formed format information in table cells. (Pl:2)
- Cookies are now shared correctly between frame page of a single domain. (Pl:2)
- Fixed problems, that frames may not be detected correctly be the JS module. (Pl:2)
- It is now scrolling again without stopping line by line. (Pl:3)
- Fixed a bug in the document registration for cookies. (Pl:3)
- Fixed the possibility of a size difference in the cache index. (Pl:3)
- Fixed an allocation error in the assignment of cookie pathes. (Pl:3)
- Fixed a wrong URL assignment in the cache. (Pl:3)
- Redirected images are now accessed correctly. (Pl:3)
- Fixed a Null-Pointer bug in removed cache images. (Pl:3)
- Fixed a NULL-Pointer bug in right/left aligned tables that are fitting exactly. (Pl:3)
- Fixed a problem that was stored wrong alignment informationen in the format tables. (Pl:3)
- Table are now formatted correctly, also if the user scrolls during formatting. (Pl:3)
- Paragraphen state is now handled correctly inside table cells. (Pl:3)
- Line breaks are now longer calculated wrongly as a character in the width calculation for table cells. (Pl:3)
- Cache-manager: Free Byte info is no longer moving the index after a cache repair. (Pl:3)
JavaScript-Modul (Pro-Version only)
- Support of document['xx']
- Support of text constants of any length.
- Support of Objekt.Property.... constructs of any length.
- With "new Object()" now an untyped Objekt may be constructed.
- New internal data type "Reference". (Pl:1)
- "document", "window" are now real reference variables. (Pl:1)
- "images" array is now a real array. (Pl:1)
- "images" array elements are now real references to images. (Pl:1)
- Images are now created as real elements. (Pl:1)
- "links", "anchors" are now real arrays. (Pl:1)
- "this" is now an reference to the origin object. (Pl:1)
- "frames" is now a real array. (Pl:1)
- Arrays are now taking user-defined variables. (Pl:1)
- "parent" & "top" are now real references. (Pl:1)
- "self" is now working as a reference. (Pl:1)
- "Math.constructor" introduced. (Pl:1)
- Object-Heap introduced, which is managing pointer references for Garbage collection. (Pl:1)
- STRINGS are now accepting own properties. (Pl:1)
- It is now possible to pass a function with the "new" parameter. (Pl:1)
- Support of toString(basis) for Number objekts (Pl:1)
- sort(Function) is working. (Pl:1)
Improvements of existent functionalities
- Argument array is now created independend from the function declaration.
- Argument array is changed internally to id's, which allows a better object referencation.
- Support of "\n" und "\t" in message text.
- .03 is now interpreted as 0.03
- Closing semicolon are no longer forced to be there
- If "this" is an image, it points now to the correct information and is set with the correct "name".
- It is now possible to have web page overlapping constructs, like frames[0].frames[0].URL. (Pl:1)
- Frames now also accessible as, or as frames["name"]. (Pl:1)
- "x++", "x--", "x op= y" are now working more secure. (Pl:1)
- When calculating with "Undefined" values the result is now NaN (Pl:1)
- "--x/++x" improved. (Pl:1)
- Boolean is now added as 0 or 1. (Pl:1)
- Also in "with" sections, the standard window methods are reachable. (Pl:1)
- Arguments array improved. (Pl:1)
- Arguments array is now reachable function overlapping by using "functionsname.arguments". (Pl:1)
- String escapes are now processed correctly. (Pl:1)
- Eval is now interpreting more correctly. (Pl:1)
- Selectlist.length = n is now working. (Pl:1)
- When setting the length of an option array it is now filled correctly up to the last element. (Pl:1)
- Frames references are now detected correctly. (Pl:2)
- Improved cookie management. (Pl:2)
Bug corrections
- Fixed problems with function calls of functions with a different number of parameters.
- Problems solved with assignment values.
- Infinity and -Infinity values are now processed correctly in Number conversions
- Bad memory freeing when assigning function elements fixed
- Garbage Collector forgot sometimes to free variables/properties, if the variable/reference heap was fragmented.
- Depending on the situation, variables are now assigned correctly to document or window. (Pl:1)
- Fixed an error in the memory allocation of the JavaScript-Parser. (Pl:1)
- Expressions like "x += x++" are now returning calculation compatible results. (Pl:1)
- "ToLowerCase" is now coverting into lower case ;-( (Pl:1)
- Fixed some problems with string assignments. (Pl:1)
- Fixed some pointer problems with SetDate/SetHour/SetTime.... (Pl:1)
- Y2K problem fixed in the Date-object. (Pl:1)
- Fixed some problems with spaces in the argument parser. (Pl:1)
- Values are now longer returned as null in an empty input field. (Pl:1)
- location.pathname is now returning the correct path for file:// - URLs. (Pl:1)
- Comma separated "For" initialisation is now working. (Pl:1)
- Array-ToString in no longer crashing.. (Pl:1)
- Fixed some problems with Boolean conditions. (Pl:1)
- Fixed some probleme with collisions between funktion parameters and Window-Properties. (Pl:1)
- Listens to AP_TERM.
- Support of Reply-To when sending emails.
- Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete are now available through the toolbar buttons in the mail editor.
- BubbleGEM support.
- Support of button files.
- For In/Out box lists it is now possible to set limited views.
- Block marks are now possible in mail lists.
- List columns are now changable in the size.
- Window positions are now saved, including a failsafe for resolution changes.
- Box symbols are now selectable.
- Possibility to send to groups
- Non blocking connect phase to the server.
- 4digit year numbers
- New toolbar in display windows.
- View window is now closed when deleting the mail.
- Support of PageUp/Down in Lists, Editor and view.
- Standard print function to U:\DEV\PRN or Gemdos printer port.
- ALT-P is now the shortcut for a provider change
- Ctrl-P now for printting.
- Clipboard support in view windows
- Confirm message when closing a window.
- Wrap line length selectable.
- Block deletion now also by a single press of the Delete key.
- Block marking now automatically cleared on cursor movement.
- If a key is entered the complete block mar is replaced by the character.
- Double click marks now a single word.
- Word wise step backwards (Control+Left)
- Word wise stop forward (Control+Right)
- Word wrap.
- Reply-Zeilen (with > at the beginning of the line) are not wrapped, this preserves the reply text.
- GDOS printting.
- Support for long file names.
- "filename" marker added.
- Paste adds now the mail address at the cursor position in the mail window (This allows pasting of mail address
into the mail body)
- It is now possible to drag a mail adress by Drag&Drop directly into the mail window.
- Recent-Liste now also reachable in the forward-dialog by pressing the right mouse button.
- Adress book is now reachable from the forward dialogue.
- Security condition in recent list, if the non modal forward dialog is closed, but the recent list was open.
- New tool Mailchk.prg.
- It is now possible to deselect a single mail by pressing SHIFT-Left mouse. (Pl:2)
- Ansi-Flag is now managed seperate for each view window. (Pl:2)
- Support of the END-Key on a PC-like keyboard. (Pl:2)
Improvements of existent functionalities
- Now read confirmations longer than 1024 characters are supported.
- Quicker analyzation of inconming mails.
- Adress book is now saved, if the mailbox is changed.
- If there are errors during the scan process of mails by the POP server, the remaining fields are filled with
- Signature is now only appended at the first editing of an email, but not at further editings.
- Confirmation for single mail deletion.
- "Save" is now also selectable from the menu during view
- In Adress lines only the first line from a clipboard block is pasted.
- Cursor is now positionable with a single click behind the end of text in the editor to the end of the text.
- Cursor movements across line beginning/ending jumps no the the previous/following line.
- Corrected horizontal scrolling in the mail window.
- X-Mailer identifikation is now "Marathon Mail 1.7 for ATARI and compatible"
and includes now also Milan, Hades .... ;-)
- Head lines are now converted into ANSI characters
- Button text coordinates now moved by +1,+1 during selection
- Content-Disposition is now seperated correctly with a LF
- System folders are no longer changable in the type.
- Creation of a folder is now working also if the first 8 characters are close to another one, and Dcreate
is not reporting an error.
- Is no longer in an endless loop, if important system files are not available. Only one error message is reported
and the program exits.
- In-Box opens now automatically after receiving it
- Adress book can now coexist beside the mail editor / dialogs.
- Forward dialog is no longer modal.
- Forward-Type is now defined as radio buttons, confirmation is now done with "Ok", or cancelled with
"Cancel". Which allows still the edition of the mail adress after selecting the type.
- Forward dialog is no longer modal.
- Forward dialog takes now selections (Drag & Paste button) from the address book.
- Label-Shortcuts added.
- Improvement of ANSI detection
- Identification tab renamed to "General"
- Character sets in quotes are now detected correctly
- Is now using less CPU power. (Pl:2)
- Better reaction to the right mouse button. (Pl:2)
- It is now possible to delete a list entry, that is not assigned to a file. (Pl:2)
- Changed the order of event handling, this avoid passing the click from a provider selection to an underlying
window. (Pl:2)
- Opens the editor window now with the correct content, if it is an ANSI encoded message. (Pl:2)
- Subject etc. is now still in the ATARI char set in all overview lists. (Pl:2)
- Better memory managment. (Pl:2)
- Faster input routine. (Pl:2)
- Removed some unnecessary security condition from the clipboard functions (DEBUG only) (Pl:2)
- Corrected handling of simple messages, that are containing '--' at the beginning of a line. (Pl:2)
- Correct detection of filenames in Outlook-Attachments. (Pl:3)
- Pop-Window is now closed, when changing the provider. (Pl:3)
- No reaction of the box window, if it is not the top window. (Pl:3)
- Multiple UUencoded Attachments are now detected correctly. (Outlook) (Pl:3)
- UUEncoded 600 Attachments are now saved correctly. (Outlook) (Pl:3)
- German-Umlaute are now handled correctly when the reply was done in Ansi mode and in none mode. (Pl:4)
- Correct detection of non MIME-Standard conforme Mails ( (Pl:4)
Bug corrections
- Fixed a possible crash, if there is a problem with the GEM-Clipboard.
- Fixed a possible crash during a reply.
- Redraw bug of attachment marker fixed during line wise scrolling.
- Redraw bug for marked entries fixed in the adress book.
- Workaround for Millenium-Bug (strftime) of the Pure-C-Library.
- ALT-C forces now a POP scan process.
- Setting of the left border in the editor's auto scroll is now correct.
- Fixed a redraw bug in marking/demarking in the editor window.
- If the editor text is marked up to end, no longer an additional character is put in the clipboard.
- Corrected redraw when pasting in Address/Subject lines.
- The cursor is now longer placed badly when removing a complete block.
- Fixed a problem with bad links in the editor, which may happend, if the memory was reorganized.
- The slider will be now displayed correctly after a paste.
- Fixed a problem with back slash at (virtual) line ends.
- End-Boundary is now written correctly
- Variables during folder creation (Icon) are now initialized correctly.
- Fixed a problem, which may result in bad characters in the process info
- During deletion in mail lists, some of the entries are no longer persist
- 4Colours icons are now visible again.
- Window coordinates are now set correctly when creating a new folder
- Lock up during folder numbering fixed.
- Numbering of the folders, if the same folder name is generated, is now working also over number 9.
- Buffer for Graphicmode/card detection changed to the correct size.
- Now 32Bit color depth are supported (only one condition was errorneous)
- Send buffer is now cleared (Happens only when sending several emails in one step)
- Internal mark management was marking sometimes a character to much.
- Corrected calculation of the horizontal slider size
- Memory movement bug fixed, in long head lines with a changed left border.
- Fixed a redraw bug when dragging inside the address book on computers with graphic boards
- Attachment icons is now listing to the left border
- Attachment icons are now also selectable, if the view window is not at the left screen border
- Added a security that a redraw will be done in the right mode.
- File name is cleared when saving an mail, no longer there are accidently characters in the file selector
- Fixed a bug in the coordinates when copying an icon. (Pl:2)
- No lock up, if there is a buggy mail in the out queue. (Pl:2)
- Is now accepting again the selection of the wanted attachment coding. (Pl:2)
- "Copy" menu entry will be now activated also in view windows. (Pl:2)
- If there is a sort on a column that is not visible (All list headers=off) the sort symbol is no longer visible.
- Corrected cursor positionining during Cut/Del operations. (Pl:3)
- Corrected deletion of read buffer. (Pl:4)
- Fixed mark error in editor & viewer. (Pl:4)
- Memory leak and danger zone fixed when "Cancel"ing the Mail editor. (Pl:4)
- Horizontal scrolling is now aligned when resizing the column width. (Pl:4)
Draconis FTP
- Support for long filenames activated.
- Directories are now detected correctly on systems with long filenames.
Improvements of existent functionalities
- Enlarged entry fields (+15 characters)
- Now able to use 32Bit color depth (was only one condition badly formulated)
Bug corrections
- Buffer for Graphic mode/card detection set to a corrected size.
- 4 colour icons now visible again
Draconis Icon Editor
Bug corrections
- Background is now repainted correctly in an iconified window
- Non-Blocking introduced.
- Complete support of LCP echos.
- Now gets port information from an installed HSMODEM by the supplied information
- Creation of a log file to check connection statistics.
- Check's now the availability of the ports, if HSMODEM is installed
- New tool DRACINFO.PRG to check the content of the log file.
Improvements of existent functionalities
- accept() accepts addr and addrlen now also as NULL values
- An asynchron Connect() can now be checked for the write state with select() calls.
- Fixed problems with servers that are defined by aliases.
- Fixed a problem with LCP-Magic. (Link quality and Loopback controlled connection are now working correct) Testet
with Linux RedHat 6.0
Bug corrections
- bind() is no longer setting sometimes an illegal port number, if 0 is passed as the parameter
- Correct return to the system, if the creation of UDP sockets fails.
- Socket-Fcntl is now handled correctly.
- If the path is changed on the first dialog page, also all pathes on the following pages are changed, if they
start with the same path.
Improvements of existent functionalities
- Now all files are created with lower case file names
- New functions:
- int async_gethostbyname(char *name);
- struct hostent *async_queryname(void);
- void async_discard(void);
A french
of the NEWS.TXT
is also available.